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Category Archives: Creativity

Writers Block. No Silver Bullet.

“Just give me one sentence I can be proud of Godamit!” Writer’s block is a curse. The symptoms of this curse are not pretty.  They include… Despair:  Creativity seems to walk hand in hand with emotional pain.  We are pregnant with ideas but we lack what it takes to birth them, which creates a log-jam […]

Wall Lord

I’ve seen two shows this past month in London.  The Wall – an epic production which chronicles Roger Water’s rite of passage from boy to adult, and Lord of the Flies – an open air theatre experience in Regents Park, which does the same.   They seem to perfectly encapsulate the two modes of behavior […]


Because life is simple and complex. Geometricity describes the interface between geometry (shapes or patterns) and electricity (force). Life in simple terms could be described as a force flowing through a pattern.  If we want to change the world (hands up, you know who you are) we need to look at which one of these […]